Rugs & Mats

We have a lovely selection of contemporary and traditional Rugs and Mats. With 80+ Rugs in store and the option to order in sizes suitable to fit your home perfectly. We also have washable indoor/outdoor mats and runners as well as coir matting.

Pop in to view our selection of rugs and mats with delivery service available.

Think Rugs logo on top of a rug imageAsiatic logo on top of an image of a carpetLikewise logo on top of a rugThink Rugs logo on top of a rugAsiatic logo on top of an image of a rug
Think Rugs logo on top of a rug imageAsiatic logo on top of an image of a carpetLikewise logo on top of a rugThink Rugs logo on top of a rugAsiatic logo on top of an image of a rug